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A historic documentary commemorating the 100 year anniversary of South San Francisco, spanning from Ohlone period through incorporation and industrialization, to the modern day birthplace of biotechnology. This DVD is a KM2 communications production.
Producer: Kevin Mullin
Cinematographer & Editor: Bryan Kingston
Audio Technician: Anthony Crivelli
Narrator: Thomas McGraw
The founding fathers always intended South San Francisco to be an industrial leader, clearly distinguishing it from its northern neighbor. Fuller Paints, Pacific Coast Steel, and Western Meats made an early impact on the city's economic growth. During wartime, the development of a deep water harbor brought shipbuilding to Oyster Point. The historic sign on Sign Hill still reads "South San Francisco: The Industrial City," but evolution is the name of the game, and the workhorse of the city's modern economy is biotech research and development.
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George Bugnatto (1932-2002) was born and raised in South San Francisco. Except for time in the Air Force and shorts stints in Washington, D.C. and San Francisco, he lived in South City his entire life. George and Maggie Bugnatto raised their family in the same house where George grew up on Juniper Avenue. George’s love for South City comes across in this charming account of the City’s early years and growth before and during his life. He was a people person who loved family, history, humor and story telling – all of which come across in this wonderful account of life in The Industrial City. Famous family
recipes are also included!
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A South San Francisco Historical Society project commemorating the 100th anniversary of South City’s incorporation.
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This book is one a project of The South
San Francisco Bicentennial Committee. It is an effort to preserve the past before it is gone. Included in this book are ads from the 1890s, list of mayors from 1908 through 1976, businesses on Grand Avenue and South City residents in 1908. Lots of historical information and photographs.
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We sell our "Tea Shirt" Women's size Small - XXL 100% pre-shrunk cotton. They run small, order a size up.
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80 Chestnut Avenue, South San Francisco, California 94080, United States
Copyright © 2025 Historical Society of South San Francisco, Inc. - All Rights Reserved.
The House & Boutique are closed through January.
Come visit February 1st!
The Museum (80 Chestnut) continues with regular hours: Saturdays • 1:00 - 4:00